• +91-8373933368
  • medipromedicals@rediffmail.com

About Us

About Us

Medipro Medical & Equipments was established in the Year 2016 and has been engaged in Autoclave & Sterillization Products, Neurology, Opthomology, Urology and Disposable surgical products.


Our Company also provide healthcare, Homecare and Surgical products to Government, Private corporate Hospitals and Small nursing homes & clinics.


Our motto is to provide best products delivered at your doorstep.



In today’s fast world where the difference of a second can change the world, we pace with you. We deliver you the fastest services and virtuous products with virtuous quality.

We combine our expertise in sales, finance and technology to provide you the best services and to meet the needs of our customers.



The objective of Medipro Medicals And Equipments is to apply a new approach towards innovation. We hope that our products and services would be available to our customers within the timeframe.

We also make sure that our clients are aware of our new products.



Our passion and our determination sets high standards in industry and our mission is to turn impossible to possible.

We are growing every minute and every day to provide excellent services to our clients.



Meet Our Team